Ontario Articles of Incorporation Form

Important Notice: This service is available only to lawfirms and Accountants which maintain a valid ESC Corporate Services Account Number.
ESC Account Number:  (ESC Corporate Services Account Number)
Firm Name:
Filer First Name:
Filer Last Name:
Authorizer same as above
Authorizer First Name:
Authorizer Last Name:
Lawyer First Name:
Lawyer Last Name:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Firm File Reference:
Ontario Business Corporations Act Form1
Corporation Name
Please enter the information, then select accept from the following two options (1 or 2):
Select a legal ending from the dropdown list:
Corporate Number To be assigned by MCBS ONTARIO

1. Accept Numbered Corporation

NUANS® Reservation Ref. Number NUANS® Report Date

(eg. 2005/May/05)

NUANS® Search Corporation Name (exactly as is on NUANS® Report)
The name of the corporation is:    Same as above
2. Accept Named Corporation

Contact Person
First Name Last Name
Law Firm/Agent
Suite Street Number
Street Name Additional Information
City Province
Country Postal Code
Telephone Fax

Legal Opinion (if required) 
(required if the corporation name is identical or similar to another name)

Is a Legal Opinion Required?       Yes         No
Lawyer Name
Law Firm
Corporation Name
Date of Dissolution/Name Change (Format: YEAR/MMM/DD)
Suite Street Number
Street Name Additional Information
City Province
Country Postal Code
Telephone Fax
Effective Filing Date
Today's Date or First Available Business Date
Future Filing Date   YEAR/MMM/DD(eg. 2005/May/05) 

Name of the Corporation is: / Dénomination sociale de la compagnie:

The address of the registered office is: /Adresse du siège social:
(Street & Number, or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.)(Rue et numéro, ou numéro de la R.R. et, s'il s'agit édifice à bureaux, numéro du bureau)
(Name of Municipality or Post Office) /(Nom de la municipalité ou du bureau de poste)
Postal Code /(Code postal)
Number (or minimum and maximum number) of directors is: /
Nombre (ou nombres minimal et maximal) d'administrateurs:
The First director(s) is/are: / Premier(s) administrateur(s):
First Name, Initials and Surname/
Prénom, initiales et nom de famille
Address for Service, giving Street & No. or R.R. No. , Municipality and Postal Code /
Domicile élu ,y compris la rue et le numéro, le numéro de la R.R., ou le nom de la municipalité et le code postal
Resident Canadian State Yes or No /
Résident Canadien Oui/Non
  John Doe 123 Street Rd. Unit 456 Toronto, ON M1K 3G5 YES/NO
Incorporator also
5. Restrictions, if any, on business the  corporation may carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise.

Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposées aux activités commerciales ou aux pouvoirs de la compagnie

6. The classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue:

Catégories et nombre maximal, s'il y a lieu, d'actions que la compagnie est autorisée à émettre:

7. Rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions (if any) attaching to each class of shares and directors authority with respect to any class of shares which may be issued in series:
Droits, privilèges, restrictions et conditions, s'il y a lieu, rattachés á chaque catégorie d'actions et pouvoirs des administrateurs relatifs á chaque catégorie d'actions qui peut être émise en série:
8. The issue, transfer or ownership of shares is not restricted and the restrictions(if any) are as follows:

L'émission, le transfert ou la propriété d'actions est / n'est pas restreinte. Les restrictions, s'il y a lieu, sont les suivantes:

9. Other provisions, (if any, are): Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu:
10. Incorporator(s)is same as First director(s) as indicated above

If not, provide Incorporator(s) info:

Individual Incorporator(s)    Corporate Incorporator(s)
If Corporate Incorporator (s), please insert the Authorized person's name and title.
The names and addresses of the incorporators are/ Nom et adresse des fondateurs

First Name, Initials and last name or corporate name/Prénom, initiale et nom de famille ou dénomination sociale 

Full address for service or address of registered office or principal place of business giving street & No. or R.R. No., municipality and postal code/ Domicile élu, adresse du siège social ou adresse de l'établissement principal,y compris la rue et le numéro, le numéro de la R.R., le nom de la municipalité et le code postal
John T. Doe
ESC Corporation Ltd.. Jane Doe Corporate Clerk
123 Street Rd. Unit 456
Toronto, ON M1K 3G5
The names and addresses of the incorporators are/ Nom et adresse des fondateurs

First Name, Initials and last name or corporate name/Prénom, initiale et nom de famille ou dénomination sociale 

Full address for service or address of registered office or principal place of business giving street & No. or R.R. No., municipality and postal code/ Domicile élu, adresse du siège social ou adresse de l'établissement principal,y compris la rue et le numéro, le numéro de la R.R., le nom de la municipalité et le code postal
John T. Doe
ESC Corporation Ltd.. Jane Doe Corporate Clerk
123 Street Rd. Unit 456
Toronto, ON M1K 3G5
Individual Incorporator(s)
Corporate Incorporator(s)

ESC Corporate Services as registering agent must follow the instructions provided by the client. Please be advised that the onus is on the client to ensure the information recorded in the ONBIS system is accurate, up-to-date and in compliance with the applicable laws. Please review the articles carefully upon receipt to ensure the accuracy of the information. If a document contains any discrepancy, please advise our office immediately.

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