In preparation for the launch of the new OBR tomorrow (October 19, 2021), ESC has worked hard to ensure our systems and integrations (Registry Complete online portal and webservice APIs) are ready to go to fully support your servicing needs with no interruption or disruption in service. As always, our amazing customer care team is available to support you every step of the way. In addition, we have added a new page on Registry Complete called ‘Library’. This page will house all available forms and their corresponding instructions so you can quickly and easily find what you need. The Forms page will be visible on Registry Complete tomorrow morning (October 19, 2021) when you login.
To further assist you, ESC has built easy-to-use webforms on Registry Complete to support the following forms:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Initial Return
- Notice of Change
- Annual Return
- Articles of Dissolution
- Articles of Amendment
- Sole Proprietor Business Name Registration
- General Partner Business Name Registration
- Business Name by Corporation Name Registration
- (plus all of their associated renewals)
Interested in a Registry Complete account, please email our team at [email protected].